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Hey! I'm Karina Ramos

Business coach, entrepreneur, and ultimate modern CEO - I am redefining the meaning of entrepreneurship.

Behind The Scenes Of My First 40K Cash Month

Karina Ramos


When I quit my 9-5 job, I had NO idea how I was going to run my own business, let alone make money. I was just determined to succeed. No idea how it was going to happen but I had this huge burning vision that I couldn’t shake.

I had to bet everything on this mission and see where it takes me. The fear of never knowing if I could actually succeed and turn my hustle into my full-time job was finally outweighing the fear of falling flat on my face and being told, I told you so from my friends and family.

I quit my job with $500 in the bank, an unemployed fiancé who was just laid off from his marketing position, and a wedding to pay for. No plan. I actually had no intention on quitting my job the day I did, but the universe has a funny way of taking control and pushing you so far out of your comfort zone that you have no choice but to give in.

And that’s what I did. I surrendered to my dreams and I just trusted that the next steps would be revealed to me and they were.

I was able to replace my 9-5 income within two weeks of taking the big leap and quitting my job (Speaking of the big leap, if you haven’t read this book, DO IT NOW. It is totally life-changing) and 4 months later, I had my first $40,000 cash month.

Now before you keep reading, in case you think this post is a “Here’s the magic blueprint to your first 40k month”

It’s not. I actually can’t attribute my success to any particular marketing or business strategy.

As silly as that sounds coming from a business coach – if you ask my clients they will tell you what I preach to them.

Success is an inside job. It begins from within and after doing all of the foundation work that I have done in my business and with my clients, I have now dedicated my life to teaching other entrepreneurs the same principles I use to tap into the flow of abundance.

My first $40,000 cash month was achieved because of the three principles I live by that I will tell you about below AND consistently showing up every damn day to build my empire. A goal is just a dream without action.

Faith over Fear

Every single, successful entrepreneur has experienced fear more than once on their journey. The difference between them and unsuccessful business owners? They don’t let fear hold them back.

I was scared shitless when I quit my job with no plan B but I was not going to let my fears win. I knew that I could do it. I celebrated my new sense of freedom and got to work the moment I arrived home on building my empire. I had the time now. No excuses.

Fear definitely crept its ugly head several times in those first few weeks that I quit. Setback after setback and I now know those setbacks was just an arrangement of circumstances to prepare me for all of the abundance that was heading my way.

When I surrendered the how, I became inspired and things started to flow. I was meeting the right people, I had clients messaging me out of the blue wanting to work with me, and opportunities were literally chasing me down.

I dug deep into my personal development and that is always my go to when I am fighting my ego. Fear still creeps her ugly face in my life from time to time but I choose Faith over Fear and it reflects in how my income continues to grow.

I choose my vision over fear

I choose my dreams over fear

I choose my happiness over fear

Persistence + Resilience

With all of the setbacks I had in the first few weeks of quitting my job, I definitely thought about quitting. Probably more times then I would even like to admit but hey, that’s only human. The most important part? I didn’t quit!

That is the only part that will ever matter. Entrepreneurship is a CRAZY ride. You have to be persistent and super resilient. That is what will get you through everything.

Whenever I got a no, or a closed door, I never let it affect me or stop my flow. I just accepted that these no’s were opening space for a whole lot of YES and that’s exactly what happened.

If I got a no, I would get 3 ‘Yes!’ that would follow. I never let setbacks actually hold me back. Setbacks are always a lesson to move you towards exactly what you want. They are detours in the right direction. When you reframe them that way, your reality will begin to support your new belief system.

Solid Money Mindset

Having a great relationship with money allowed me to open up to the flow of abundance. If you think money is icky and you think it is hard to attain, that is what your reality will follow. When I quit my job, I literally had no idea how I was going to make everything work. I had bills that were due and no clue how they were going to get paid. I knew that I had about two weeks to make something happen before we would be totally screwed. In that same week, I found this meditation video on Youtube. I have no idea how I stumbled upon it but it unlocked a whole new world for me. It was the beginning of my spiritual journey and healing the relationship I had with money. I truly believe my money mindset was the biggest factor in achieving my first 40k cash month as quickly as I did.

When I started digging deeper into my relationship with money, I started to unlock opportunities that I would have never imagined possible. I learned to get into a state of flow and receiving. I knew that the more value I added to the world, the more it would be returned to me. With that faith, I started to invest in the resources, people, and courses I needed to take my business and brand to the next level. Without a solid money mindset, I would have been fearful of putting that money back into my business.

These three principles have helped me turn my dining table idea into a multi-six figure empire and a community of fearless leaders, living life on their terms. 

To kick-start your money mindset journey, head to the The Hub and tune into the meditation and visualization videos to step into your flow and tap into the true CEO that you are. 

Which of these three principles can you implement into your business now to step into flow and allow opportunities to fall into your lap?

Are you ready to generate your first six-figures in business? Click here now to get access to – The Hub – a resource library for the modern CEO that’s brimming with tools, videos, templates and resources which are all designed to help you up-level your mindset and create a plan of action to execute your goals and get where you want to be in your business. 

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The Edit is a blog curated by entrepreneur Karina Ramos to give you the tools you need to lay the foundation of your seven-figure+ business. She gives you a transparent look behind the scenes of being a modern CEO.




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The Edit is a round-up of the best tips, tools, and strategies designed to support you in up leveling your business and stepping into being a true modern CEO. Delivering weekly resources for entrepreneurs like you who are on a mission to rebuild the foundation of your legacy and business. 
