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Hey! I'm Karina Ramos

Business coach, entrepreneur, and ultimate modern CEO - I am redefining the meaning of entrepreneurship.

Create A Morning & Evening Routine That Supports Your Business Growth

Karina Ramos

Self-care and Self-love are words I am sure you have heard buzzing around our industry lately.

But I can honestly say without a doubt, that the reason why my business is so successful, is due to the fact that I have a consistent morning and evening routine that revolves around my self-care.

As I always say,

Your Net Worth Is A Reflection of Your Self Worth.

And honeyyy about my money, I don’t play, so I make sure that I keep up with my mental, physical, and spiritual health. Energy is everything. In business and in our personal life. When we look good, we feel good, and everything is just damn good!

When we treat our bodies like crap and fuel it with low quality food and toxic news, for example, we are taking ourselves further and further away from achieving our goals.

Think about it.

How many successful entrepreneurs and celebrities can you think of, party the night away, eat Wendy’s every night, don’t exercise, do drugs, and STILL successfully run their empires.

Not many.

And the ones that seem like they are, trust me, their not.

The top leaders in our industry are keeping healthy routines. Putting their self-care above anything else and they know that personal development is an everyday commitment.

Customizing your morning and evening routine to work for you is KEY in actually sticking to it. The secret to this is actually sticking to a consistent routine. Long-term commitment is what leads to long-term success.

Creating a morning and evening routine that supports your goals and business growth begins with putting yourself first, nurturing your mind, body, and soul before stepping out into the world.

You are a queen. Start treating yourself like the queen that you are. The queen doesn’t hop out of bed and begin her day with craziness and in reaction mode as soon as she opens her eyes, NO! She’s the queen. She gets up, she has her tea, her crumpets, takes a walk in the garden (or squats for that booty growth), takes a relaxing bath, reads a book, she gets glammed, THEN she answers to her duty and presents herself to the world.

She doesn’t just hit the snooze button 50 times, rolls out of bed, into the shower, while doing and thinking of 500 million other things THEN heads straight into work where she gets bombarded with stuff every day, to come home exhausted to fight with her kids, make a quick dinner and spend 5 seconds with her husband, to try to write that blog post, and then go to bed to do it all over again.

Sorry for the graphic description BUT for real, this epidemic is SERIOUS and it is time that women start putting themselves first, fill their own cup up before serving to the rest of the world. If not, we are going to risk more women burning out, not being able to share their gifts with the worlds and that in itself is a crisis.

When I started putting my self-care above everything else and giving myself the love and attention I deserve in all aspects of my life, I started to flourish. I promise, if you implement a routine consistently for even just 1 week, you will notice a HUGE difference.

So promise me, you are not just going to read this blog post and continue as if you know I am not totally right and commit to taking action RIGHT NOW!

Then continue reading so you can create your own perfect morning and evening routine that is going to set you up for success.

My Perfect Morning Routine:

7AM- I wake up, do some visualization and stretching

7:15AM- Grab a cappuccino from my Terra Kaffe (side note: best investment ever), shower, and get some comfy lounge clothes on (or head to a workout class)

7:30 AM- Breakfast made by my amazing husband and partner in crime in this entrepreneurial voyage

8AM- Journaling, drinking my second coffee, setting goals, reading some personal development books, or listening to a podcast. Something to fuel my mind.

9AM- Get started on my work day, reminding myself to be present and just breathe

My Perfect Evening Routine:

5PM- Done working 

6PM-Prepping for dinner

7PM-Read a book usually or watch some healthy TV (Something funny or an inspirational documentary)

8PM- Shower

9:PM- Journaling and visualization

10PM- Bed Time


Now, I don’t have any babies other than my fur babies so if your a momma or if you work full-time, of course, your morning and evening routine is going to look a lot different then mine, That is ok. You want to create a morning and evening routine that aligns with your day realistically, even if it’s only 30 minutes to yourself in the morning and evenings, that is still better than ZERO. The key here is to find what works for you.

In The Hub, you will find a list of ideas that you can incorporate into your morning and evening to customize your self-care routine. How will committing to a daily routine, change your life?

Are you ready to generate your first six-figures in business? Click here now to get access to – The Hub – a resource library for the modern CEO that’s brimming with tools, videos, templates and resources which are all designed to help you up-level your mindset and create a plan of action to execute your goals and get where you want to be in your business. 




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The Edit is a blog curated by entrepreneur Karina Ramos to give you the tools you need to lay the foundation of your seven-figure+ business. She gives you a transparent look behind the scenes of being a modern CEO.




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The Edit is a round-up of the best tips, tools, and strategies designed to support you in up leveling your business and stepping into being a true modern CEO. Delivering weekly resources for entrepreneurs like you who are on a mission to rebuild the foundation of your legacy and business. 
