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Hey! I'm Karina Ramos

Business coach, entrepreneur, and ultimate modern CEO - I am redefining the meaning of entrepreneurship.

Using Instagram’s New Features To Reach Your Audience & Grow Your Business

Karina Ramos


This blog has been recently updated as of 2/2/22. 

Instagram is probably one of my favorite social media platforms. I love the visual aspect of Instagram and I LOVE creating reels and story graphics. It’s like my thang.

Hang out with me on Insta @thekarinaramos

If you have been complaining about the new Instagram algorithm, stop that ish RIGHT NOW. Social media is only as hard as you make it. I don’t follow any rules, any templates, or any time schedule with our feed.

Remember, the energy you put behind everything, matters. Including your social media. Stop complaining and start using Instagram’s new features to explode your engagement and connect with your audience.

Instagram recently rolled out three new features that I am obsessed with. I have been using them to connect with my audience, my engagement is through the roof and my account is growing. Which I love! I have connected with so many amazing women and entrepreneurs. I love using it to highlight new products, behind the scenes, and our photography.



If you follow me on Instagram, (if your not, you should be @thevoyagesociety) you know how much I love using my Instastory. I don’t have a particular strategy for it. I just post what I feel like showcasing about our exact moments. I can quickly show my audience a funny video, tell them about an upcoming workshop, and bring them along on my travels.

Use your Instastory to showcase behind the scenes, stories that connect you to your audience, and details of your personal life that you don’t show on your feed. It will help you connect with your ideal client and turn her into your bff <3


Instagram now lets you follow hashtags and shows you photos and from accounts using that hashtag. It is the BEST way to connect with your ideal client with NO WORK. Literally, Instagram took my assistant’s job here.

*PRO TIP: Following Hashtags that your ideal client would use, allows you to connect with her instantly. You follow the hashtag and you Instagram instantly shows you photos all day that could possibly lead you to your ideal client. I then spend 30-45 minutes everyday liking and leaving genuine comments on my ideal client’s photos. I want to make a real connection with her. I don’t just want followers BUT with this strategy, I grow my account by at least 100 followers a day. My assistant used to have to go find these hashtags, email them to me, and then email me profiles of people I should really connect with. NOW. Instagram puts them in your feed. UMMM THANK YOU, Instagram!


THIS is by far, my favorite new feature Instagram added over the new year. I feel like I can easily showcase all of my favorite things and curate them for my audience to enjoy later. I get so much feedback from my followers that they go back and add watch my highlights all the time, that it actually has grown my account engagement. I have gotten twice the likes on my photos then I used to. Instagram outdid themselves with this one!

PS. To watch the live training I did on this,

If you want to customize your Instagram highlight covers, head to the The Hub for your template and tutorial. 

Are you ready to generate your first six-figures in business? Click here now to get access to – The Hub – a resource library for the modern CEO that’s brimming with tools, videos, templates and resources which are all designed to help you up-level your mindset and create a plan of action to execute your goals and get where you want to be in your business. 




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The Edit is a blog curated by entrepreneur Karina Ramos to give you the tools you need to lay the foundation of your seven-figure+ business. She gives you a transparent look behind the scenes of being a modern CEO.




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The Edit is a round-up of the best tips, tools, and strategies designed to support you in up leveling your business and stepping into being a true modern CEO. Delivering weekly resources for entrepreneurs like you who are on a mission to rebuild the foundation of your legacy and business. 
