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Hey! I'm Karina Ramos

Business coach, entrepreneur, and ultimate modern CEO - I am redefining the meaning of entrepreneurship.

3 Steps You Can Implement Today to Get Closer to Your Visionary Life

Karina Ramos


I’ve got a question for you.

How close are you to your dreams? Are you 100% satisfied with who you are?

Or do you find yourself falling short? Frustrated with the huge gap between who you are right now and who you want to be?

We’ve all got big dreams. But there’s a difference between those who achieve them and those who stay dreaming. And here’s the good news: you can control it. It all comes down to your habits. But what are good habits to get into to get closer to your goals?

Here are three successful habits to getting you closer to your dreams that you can implement today.

Create a Morning Routine

If you know me at all, you know how much I preach on the importance of morning and evening routines. Sorry, not sorry! Creating space for myself through these morning and evening moments has been instrumental in building my business. This is that one good habit that keeps on giving.

I see you over there questioning how the two are even related. Let me break it down for you.

Scenario 1

You wake up late from hitting the snooze button for half an hour. You’re instantly stressed out about being behind, so you take the quickest shower possible (which means you forget to shave your legs). You head to the closet and quickly choose the first pair of leggings you see. 

Breakfast = a banana and peanut butter scarfed down as quickly as possible and a too-hot cup of joe that burns the roof of your mouth because it didn’t have time to cool (and you didn’t have time to wait—let’s face it, you need that caffeine ASAP).

All day, it feels like things are falling out of the back of your brain. You’re forgetting action items left and right, sending emails with a ton of typos, and you forgot to post to your Instagram account at the scheduled time.

By the end of the day, you still feel like you haven’t gotten your feet beneath you. The shock of an insanely rushed morning never quite wore off, and your entire day suffered because of it.

You want to go to bed earlier so you can avoid oversleeping tomorrow, but you’re still reeling from a stressful day, so you binge your favorite Netflix show instead. For hours. Finally, you feel you’ve recuperated enough to hit the hay—5 hours from the time you’re supposed to be up again. What do you think’s going to happen tomorrow?

Your day just unraveled from 30 minutes of misspent time in the morning.

Scenario 2

The alarm goes off. It’s 6 am, and you jump right out of bed.

Why? Because you’re not jumping right into the shower and getting to work just yet–you’ve got something else to look forward to.
You start your morning exactly how you want to. This looks different for everybody.

  • It could be:
  • Doing the crossword over a cup of coffee
  • Meditating
  • Practicing your favorite yoga flow
  • Cooking yourself an epic breakfast
  • Journaling to clear your mind and prep for the day
  • Going for a little walk around the neighborhood

It can be anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. Regardless of how much time you spend or what you do, after starting your day with a consistent, soul-lifting routine, the rest of your day feels easy AF.

Everything flows more smoothly. You feel relaxed, and like you’re already fulfilled for the day (before it’s even started!). You’ll feel more creative, more attentive, and your work will take care of itself.

The connection between establishing a morning routine and success in business is clear. without the former, you’ll lack the productivity necessary for the latter.

Surround Yourself with Things that Inspire You

Have you jumped on that Marie Kondo train yet? If not, you need to listen up. Only keeping things around you that spark joy is a fast-track ticket to a better, more high-vibe version of yourself.

Sure, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates may have started their businesses out of their garages, but we’re not all tech geniuses! When I feel uninspired, unmotivated, and unaligned with my visionary self and life, the things I surround myself with have a way of jumpstarting me back into action

Whether it’s crystals, your favorite mug, or fancy stationery, pare down your things to include only the things that speak to you. This will help you design a life you love inside and out.

Align Your Habits With Your Visionary Self

Aristotle said that excellence is a habit. 

Honestly, big ideas are only as good as the action behind them. And how often do you find yourself slacking on the action necessary to achieve your dreams?

The solution is to introduce discipline into your life–all areas of your life.

Make your bed every morning. Journal for 30 minutes every day. If you work from home, don’t let yourself work in sweats all day. Actually, get dressed in a normal outfit.

Exercise every day. Commit yourself to 10 minutes of yoga practice. Make your lunch instead of buying it.

Honing your discipline skills in other areas of your life will translate to your biz ventures. I promise. You are your habits; do they reflect the version of you that you’re striving to be or the version you’re trying to leave behind?

Build Your Dreams

Now that you’ve read up on some good habits to get into to get closer to your dreams, let’s dive into vision. Here’s the thing about vision: before you can chase it, you need to define it. How far along are you on that journey?

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The Edit is a blog curated by entrepreneur Karina Ramos to give you the tools you need to lay the foundation of your seven-figure+ business. She gives you a transparent look behind the scenes of being a modern CEO.




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The Edit is a round-up of the best tips, tools, and strategies designed to support you in up leveling your business and stepping into being a true modern CEO. Delivering weekly resources for entrepreneurs like you who are on a mission to rebuild the foundation of your legacy and business. 
