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Hey! I'm Karina Ramos

Business coach, entrepreneur, and ultimate modern CEO - I am redefining the meaning of entrepreneurship.

The Karina Ramos | Business Coach and Modern CEO

Survive & Thrive Through The Shifts

Karina Ramos

Survive and Thrive Through The Shifts Of Your Business

This is a tough time for everyone. Emotionally, mentally, and physically we are all feeling a bit drained. With everything shifting so quickly, it can be overwhelming to process it all. Let alone hear your own internal guidance. Like you, I am constantly refreshing my phone hoping that this is officially all behind us. Unfortunately, that isn’t our reality and we have to learn how to survive and THRIVE through the shifts in your business. 

For the first time in our lives, we are experiencing a worldwide event, together. Now more than ever, we realize how interconnected we all are. This effects E V E R Y O N E in some way and we are all in this together. Many are realizing that they actually don’t have any control over their future and that is very scary. This is where we come in though. As leaders, as business owners, entrepreneurs, creatives, we have been asking for this shift! 

You have been asking for this exact moment. To show up, to lead, and to serve. To shift perspectives and help people tap into the potential that they have inside of them. Now more than ever, they are looking for the light in the midst of this darkness. How are you going to illuminate the path? 

If you have been in the darkness yourself these past few weeks, just know that you are not alone. If you are feeling confused about how to move your business forward in this moment, you are not alone. If you are scared about the future, know that you have made it through worse situations and this too will pass. Allow yourself to feel it so that you can shift through it. 

4 years ago when I decided to start my own business and went all in on my dreams, my main intention was to make a little extra money to pay for my dream wedding. I quickly realized how much my business was needed in the world and how much impact I was meant to create. Women were struggling to find their path and step into their purpose. Struggling to monetize their passions and design their freedom on their terms. Struggling to speak up for themselves and take their power back in every aspect of their lives. I was ready to support them. Even though I didn’t know exactly how at every moment, by just putting one foot in front of the other, the path was laid out for me. 

As an online entrepreneur, this is NOT the time to slow down. This is the time for you to pause, reset, and go after your dreams like never before. People depend on you and with all of the heavy, heightened emotions swirling around, you are the light that people need to see through the darkness. This isn’t the time to hold back your gifts. You have been preparing for this moment and you are ready. It is time to release the fear, the anxious thoughts of the unknown, and trust yourself. 

It is time to quiet the noise and turn up the volume of your intuition. 

Your current community and your future community are depending on you to show up like the leader you are, now. They are looking for inspiration, guidance, and hope. In this guide I am going to walk you through the steps you can take to secure the foundation of your business, support your community, your clients and how to ensure you thrive through this time of uncertainty. 

If you have not started your business yet…

Now more than ever, I am SO grateful to own a digital business. So many people are realizing that they actually have less power over their future than they thought. If this is you, honey, it is TIME. During my experience at my last 9-5 I had this false sense of security that kept me comfortable at that job for way longer than I care to admit. No one can secure your future, your finances, or your health other than you. If you are asking yourself, “Is now actually a good time to start an online business?”, I am here to tell you that YES, there is no better time than now to get started. If you are at home, allow your creativity to flow and start that business that has been sitting on your heart. NOW is the time. 

In the next year, the online entrepreneur space is going to E X P L O D E. Get started now and begin to build the foundation for your legendary brand. 

Not sure where to get started? 

  1. Start with your WHY. Why are you wanting to start a business and become an entrepreneur? When things get tough, your why will pull you through.
  2. Get clear on WHO you are wanting to serve. Who is your ideal client? What is she struggling with? How will your business help her? 
  3. Get clear on HOW you want to serve your community. Now that you are clear on who you are wanting to serve, you can get clear on how your business will support her needs. What services, programs, or content does your ideal client need? 

The steps I took as soon as everything shifted…

A few weeks ago, my husband and I moved out of my apartment, sold all of our belongings (except our cars), and headed off on a 1 year trip around the world. Chris and I started in LA to complete our NLP Neuro Linguistics Programing Training, we then headed to Cabo, Mexico. 

While we were in Mexico, things shifted QUICKLY. We hadn’t even been there 48 hours before we started receiving messages from our family and friends concerned about our travels. We didn’t want to fall into the fear trap but we did want to ensure we were safe. I was briefly monitoring the news every morning because of the travel restrictions that began to come through. We had every intention of riding this out in Mexico until one day we woke up and just felt this strong pull to head back to the states. 

We booked the first flight out of Cabo the following morning and headed back to Florida. With only one airport, we didn’t want to risk the mad rush to the airport if the border between Mexico and the US closed down. After we made it to Florida, the following morning the border officially closed down with the order to set in place at midnight that evening. 

I was so glad I trusted my gut in that instance. 

In a time where fear is elevated, it is important to tune out the noise so that you can get clear on the next steps you need to take. 

  1. As soon as I was aware of the severity of the situation we were in, I reached out to all of my clients and students to offer them additional support. My clients are leading this paradigm shift and I need to ensure they feel fully supported as they hold their communities up. We have been discussing new ways to innovate how they show up, managing their energy, and reviewing their systems to ensure they continue to generate leads. This is the time for them to show up boldly and offer immense value to their audience. I want to ensure they have everything they need to do that. 
  2. Connected with my team to make sure they felt safe and secure. Most of my team owns their own business and I wanted to make sure they also had everything they needed to show up boldly. This includes extended project timelines on things we are working on, pivoting my content calendar to prioritize what is going on around us, shifting our communication to include daily mental check-ins, and taking the time to step away from all of the noise . 
  3. I self-quarantined. Since we got back from Mexico on Thursday, we have been staying away from our family and friends. We have kept our shopping trips to a minimum, even though every single store in our area is wiped clean because of the mass hoarding that is going on. We have been enjoying nice trips to the backyard and the front porch 🙂 Seriously, stay inside. If you do have to leave, be safe, excessively wash your hands, and stay away from as many people as possible. 
  4. I gave myself the freedom to actually process what I was feeling before showing up online. I am being mindful of how much media I consume and have just been really utilizing this time to get clear on how I want to continue developing my mindset and energy. Although this is something I work on often, the way things have been shifting made me realize that some of the things I was focussing on were not actually a priority and I started putting things into perspective. For example, I know for a fact that I want to spend more time expressing myself creatively. I want to learn how to paint and learn calligraphy. It hasn’t been something I have pursued because it wasn’t something I prioritized. Being quarantined I have realized that I have more than enough time to continue my normal mindset development routine AND I can make the time to pursue the hobbies that I know will light me up. Not every single thing needs to be monetized. I know, I know, crazy coming from me BUT seriously, spend time doing things that you love and interest you without expecting to make a return from it (everytime). 

What you should focus on to secure the foundation of your business? 

Focus on YOU.

Everything begins with you and your business is an extension of you. If you are feeding the fear and constantly consuming content that makes you feel anything less than amazing, STOP IT. You don’t have control over what is happening but you DO have total control over the things you give your attention to and your response to what is going on. 

Are you feeding the fear or expanding your positive mindset? How you are currently feeling is a great indication of the answer to that question. Yes, you have every right to feel the way you do. The world is experiencing a shift and nothing will be the same after this and neither will you. Give yourself the time you need to move through your emotions without sitting with them. 

Trust that everything going on is happening for a greater purpose. 

How you show up for yourself in these moments will determine the leader that is going to emerge from this time. The leader your ideal client needs now more than ever. She is going to be looking for you to support her, you will only be able to do that if you take care of yourself. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

Mentally Support Yourself: 

Read – Spend an hour everyday reading and consuming content that is going to help you up level your mindset and help you escape from all of the noise going on around you. Check out all of my favorites here

Journal – Journaling is my favorite way to process my feelings, release stress, and any anxious thoughts. I start with writing down 5-10 things I am immensely grateful for and really tune into those feelings of gratitude. Then I move through anything else I am wanting to get off my mind. Once I get my emotions down on paper, I quickly put everything into perspective. It allows me to work through it so I can move past it. 

Combining a consistent journal routine with meditation and/or prayer is a powerful combo. 

Here are some of my favorite journal prompts to get you started: 

  1. What is currently making me feel stressed? Are these things that are out of my control? 
  2. What are 10 things I am grateful for? *Really feel the gratitude pouring through you
  3. What is my favorite quality about myself? How can I share that with others right now? 

Head to the The Hub now to get dozens of journal prompts to help you build a consistent routine. 

Listen to podcasts – Podcasts are a great way to pass time while still being productive AF. There are so many out there, you should have no problem finding a show that resonates with you.

Physically Support Yourself: 

Even though you may be stuck at home right now, that doesn’t mean you can’t move your body. Moving your body, helps you move any stagnant energy. Shake this heaviness off. If you can’t get outside for a walk or run, try yoga, or a home workout. With the power of social media, there are SO many resources to support you. Find your new favorite yoga flow or home workout on Instagram, Youtube, and even Facebook. 

Here are some of my favorite Instagram accounts to get your body moving – 




Emotionally Support Yourself: 

Emotions are heightened when people are in fear mode. If you feel like your emotions are up and down, that is expected. Be patient with yourself and make sure you take the time to connect to yourself and ground your emotions. Remember that how you feel is a choice

I created a Hypnosis video to help you shift past any lower vibration energies such as fear, anger, sadness, and anxiety to help you move into clarity, peace, gratitude, and abundance. 

Hypnotherapy works directly with your subconscious where these emotions are stored. Using hypnosis you can reprogram your mind to work for you instead of against you. 

EFT, also known as tapping, is a powerful technique that uses your body’s meridian points (also used in acupuncture) to release negative emotion that is stored in the body. When you experience positive experiences, your body stores those happy emotions all over your body. The same happens when you have an experience that you perceive as negative, your body stores that negative emotion in the body. Those heavy emotions can sometimes manifest into physical pain in the body. Tapping allows you to release it. 

Access your free hypnotherapy video here

How to support your community and your clients… 

If you are asking yourself whether or not you should be showing up, sharing value, and promoting your offers during this time, the answer is YES! Absolutely! Your community and your clients need you to show up for them now. They are looking for hope. They are looking for inspiration. 


And YES you are ready. You have everything you need to lead your community, your clients, and yourself through this. The way you show up now, will set the tone for how your community will perceive you and your business. With everyone constantly on their phones right now, you have the perfect opportunity to share the resources your ideal client needs from you the most. 

You want to use this opportunity to move your ideal client from fear and into purpose. Encouraging her to use this time to discover who she really is and what she really needs to thrive. Then creating and sharing resources that support that. Free value AND paid value is what she needs right now. You would be doing her an injustice to keep your incredible programs, products, and services from her. 

Get clear on who your ideal client is, what she is struggling with, and how your business can help her solve her pain points. If you are unsure about who your ideal client is, take the free Six-Figure Foundation Masterclass where you will get access to The Hub where I walk you through my signature process. 

Your community and future clients are going to be a lot more diligent with their investments so make sure that you are packing the value into what you are unleashing and holding nothing back. People WILL STILL continue investing in the things that solve their problems. As long as you continue to do this consistently, your ideal clients will continue investing. Try switching up your price points, adding payment plans, adjusting your messaging and testing different things to see what is going to NOW work with your audience. Remember, they are not the same people they were 2 weeks ago.

If your current business has been affected by all of these rapid changes, how is this calling you to innovate how you have been showing up and running your business? Instead of viewing this experience as a challenge, how can this become your greatest opportunity to massively serve your community and clients? Want to brainstorm some ideas with me? Join my private facebook group to get the support and ideas you need.

Your current clients are going to need additional support during these times. Everything you are feeling, they are feeling too. When things started to get really serious, I reached out to all of my clients to see where I could support them. I offered additional mentoring sessions, unlimited Voxer support, and created resources to guide them. I reached out to my students and opened up office hours for any questions or mentoring via email. In my private Facebook group, I am hosting live sessions to answer any questions my community may have. 

With people social distancing and quarantining themselves at home, online communities are being prioritized and craved. This is the time to create that sacred space for your current clients, and future clients where they can connect with you and other like minded individuals. 

How to ensure you thrive…

No matter what, YOU ARE GOING TO BE OK. You have been through worst things before and you thrived. This experience will be no different. This is the moment you have been waiting for. To ensure you and your business continues flourishing, here are a few things to keep in mind. 


The world has changed and yes things are going to continue changing. Change can be hard to adjust to but it is necessary. The biggest breakdowns lead to the biggest breakthroughs and you are going to come out of this stronger than ever. You have to be comfortable adjusting to the way things are now and learn to adjust from the way things used to be. This applies to your business, your life, your priorities, and everything else that is important to you. 

Update your systems and build out your workflows – This is the time to prioritize your systems and automate your business as much as possible. During this time it is important that you work smarter and not harder to avoid burnout. You may not want to show up on social media every single day and you shouldn’t have to. When you have your systems in place, you ensure you always have a flow of leads rolling in. Workflows and systems not only help you save time, they give your ideal clients the instant gratification they are looking for. This is the time to automate your client on-boarding process and automatically send welcome emails, payment reminders and contracts. My favorite client workflow and automation software to help me stay on top of all of this is It is honestly the biggest game changer in my business. ALSO, Honeybook sets everything up for you and it only takes them about 72 hours to get you up and running. 

To get a free 7-day trial and save 50% off your first year (making it $20 a month), use this link.

Time Block – If you now have to work from home with your kiddos or your significant other, just know that with the right management of your time, you can continue building your business and giving your family the attention they need. Don’t get frustrated and give yourself SO much grace. If it doesn’t get done today, that is okay. If you have been working from home already, adjust your routine to make sure you give yourself at least 30 minutes to an hour to silence your mind before stepping into your day.

Get out of your Pajamas (or dress them up) – I mean, this is a given. When you look good, you feel good. If you are feeling a bit slumpy, hop out of those pajamas into your favorite outfit or throw a little makeup on and jazz them up. It is the little things that make the biggest difference. 

Are you ready to generate your first six-figures in business? Click here now to get access to – The Hub – a resource library for the modern CEO that’s brimming with tools, videos, templates and resources which are all designed to help you up-level your mindset and create a plan of action to execute your goals and get where you want to be in your business.

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The Edit is a blog curated by entrepreneur Karina Ramos to give you the tools you need to lay the foundation of your seven-figure+ business. She gives you a transparent look behind the scenes of being a modern CEO.




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The Edit is a round-up of the best tips, tools, and strategies designed to support you in up leveling your business and stepping into being a true modern CEO. Delivering weekly resources for entrepreneurs like you who are on a mission to rebuild the foundation of your legacy and business. 
